Living God's Purpose for His Glory
Serving Non-Profit Organizations That Serve Families/Students
Unrestricted Funding for Non-Profits

Dr. Moses McCutcheon, Jr.
He is the CEO & Founder of School To Success Career Guidance Academy and School To Success Career Guidance Academy Centers. He has many years experience in education and career guidance, which has allowed him to create many success-driven programs for youth and adults to achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams.
His most recent development is the School To Success At-Home Career Guidance program for parents with children in grades pre-K thru 12 with special emphasis on teens ages 12-19. His most recent book is "Life Purpose: The Foundation for Success, How to Choose a College or Trade School Major and Career at Any Age." You may purchase the book by clicking on the link Here:
His training systems help to prepare students for college. trade school, or specialty school, and give them life purpose career guidance coaching, and goal setting strategies; this training is also offered to adults.

School To Success Youth Questionnaire?
What Will You Do After High School, College, and later in YOUR Life? If you don’t know, these training courses can help! This life and career guide teaches students and adults how to decide what they really want! Knowing what you want is the first principle of success!
STUDENTS: Turn Your Life Purpose, Your Desires, Interests, Talents, Passions, and Special Abilities into a Career!
RESEARCH FACTS: More than 97% of all high school seniors don’t know what they want to be and do after graduation. An effective career guidance program enables students to plan for future success. Career-guidance training saves time and money. The earlier career guidance training begins the better. Career planning should start with family planning. Our career guidance training were developed to help parents and schools with middle and high school students make the transition from school to a successful life.
What We Offer Adults?
We offer Career Guidance with financial education. This training ensures college or trade school and career success through goal setting, planning strategies, and better understanding of your abilities and talents. We also offer financial training to lay a strong foundation for the future. Our goal is to guide you, so you can become your own success story.
During these years, it is crucial that you make good decisions for your future, especially wise financial decisions. You can start preparing for your future successes now.
By offering these training courses, I have had the joy of watching my students excel to new heights, reach for higher goals, and have successful careers because of the counseling and guidance they received. It is definitely worth the investment for this program, when you can start making tens of thousands of dollars more by investing in yourself and in your future success.
Please Take a Moment to Fill Out Our Free Adult Assessment
These Free assessments allow you to assess where you are in relation to where you want to be or think you want to be. Many have found this assessment to be very beneficial to them for planning purposes.

Youth College or Trade School & Career Preparation
We offer College or Trade School Preparation Counseling Coaching & Career Guidance for youth and high school graduates. This training ensures career success through goal setting, planning strategies, and better understanding their abilities and talents. We also offer financial training to lay a strong foundation for the future. We start working with students in middle school and follow them through high school, college, or trade school into adult life and beyond.

Adults Life & Career Coaching
We provide Life & Career Guidance Education and Training that ensures career success through collaboration, networking, and supportive services. We also offer individuals, school counselors, teachers, and others an opportunity to earn additional income by marketing our new at-home career guidance program. Earn 50% of the profit when someone purchases one or more of our career guidance products.

Set Yourself Up 4 Success!
Purchase your very own copy of Dr. Moses McCutcheon, Jr.'s book called, "Planning Today for Success Tomorrow." This book has helped so many learn the art of planning, setting goals, and accomplishing new levels of success in their lives. Click on the link below to learn more about this book and where you can purchase your very own copy.

what our customers are saying
School to Success will give you essential guidance to plan for future prosperity. This program will help you to define and create actionable items as well as other skills to fulfill your personal goals. The skills I have gained from going through the program will remain with me throughout my professional career.
- From Obi A. Your Biggest Fan